Your web page does not contain information about the nationality and language concerning the Republic of Macedonia.
The correct information which was present on the website up to Friday, November 12th -- but is now erased -- is as follows:
1. Macedonian (EN)
2. Macédonien (FR)
3. macedonio (ES) 4. македонский (RU)
5. 馬其頓共和國 (CH)
6. المقدونية (AR).
1. Macedonian (EN)
2. Macédonien (FR)
3. macedonio (ES) 4. македонский (RU)
5. 馬其頓共和國 (CH)
6. المقدونية (AR).
Macedonia was registered in the UN under the ISO Country code: MKD. That code was recently changed on your website as well.
To my knowledge, the changes happened without any formal decision of the UN Security Council.
If this is not a technical mistake or an omission on your part, it represents serious breach of international law.
As Macedonian, I ask that you immediately restore the name and adjective of our nationality and language as "Macedonian", as well as my country's code as "MKD".
There is no room for racism in the UN or for "genocide by administrative means", especially not on somebody else's bidding. Macedonians endured an actual genocide by physical repression and military means in the past two centuries, and potential Greek racist shenanigans by abusing the UN are completely unacceptable.
If you ignore this request, we, Macedonians from throughout the world, will pursue the matter in all relevant courts, including the court of public opinion, until our fundamental right to self-identification and self-determination is satisfied.
Just like all the other nations in the world, Macedonians deserve to be treated as equal under international law and with dignity and rights, without exceptions.
Let me remind you of the Article 2 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which stipulates that people are entitled to all rights and freedoms of this without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, Article 15 of the said Declaration states unequivocally that "Everyone has the right to a nationality." This right includes all prerogatives of a sovereign nation, including the right to determine and freely choose its symbols of identity, including the name of the nationality, the language and the culture.
Thank you for your time and consideration and I hope you will do the right thing. Say Macedonia - and give peace a chance.
To my knowledge, the changes happened without any formal decision of the UN Security Council.
If this is not a technical mistake or an omission on your part, it represents serious breach of international law.
As Macedonian, I ask that you immediately restore the name and adjective of our nationality and language as "Macedonian", as well as my country's code as "MKD".
There is no room for racism in the UN or for "genocide by administrative means", especially not on somebody else's bidding. Macedonians endured an actual genocide by physical repression and military means in the past two centuries, and potential Greek racist shenanigans by abusing the UN are completely unacceptable.
If you ignore this request, we, Macedonians from throughout the world, will pursue the matter in all relevant courts, including the court of public opinion, until our fundamental right to self-identification and self-determination is satisfied.
Just like all the other nations in the world, Macedonians deserve to be treated as equal under international law and with dignity and rights, without exceptions.
Let me remind you of the Article 2 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which stipulates that people are entitled to all rights and freedoms of this without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, Article 15 of the said Declaration states unequivocally that "Everyone has the right to a nationality." This right includes all prerogatives of a sovereign nation, including the right to determine and freely choose its symbols of identity, including the name of the nationality, the language and the culture.
Thank you for your time and consideration and I hope you will do the right thing. Say Macedonia - and give peace a chance.
Macedonian Spark
We call on every Macedonian and the true friends of Macedonia to sent this letter of protest against the UN's discrimination on Macedonia and Macedonians, signed with your name on the following adress:
извор: Македонска искра
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